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Rwanda National Police

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Rwanda National Police joins Kacyiru residents in Umuganda

Rwanda National Police (RNP) has this Saturday, June 4, joined residents of Kacyiru Sector, Gasabo District in a community work-Umuganda.

Police officers and residents engaged in hygiene and environmental protection activities in Kabatwa cell to pick up litter, trim bushes, clean and open drainage.

Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP), Damas Gatare, who represented RNP leadership, thanked the residents for the big turn up for the communal exercise.

"Environmental protection and health go hand-in-hand because a well protected ecosystem contribute to better livelihood and health of the people," ACP Gatare told the residents.

He added: "If we fail to protect our environment... plant trees and protect our forests, which are the source of the air we breathe and rainfall, our health and agricultural production will be affected and associated consequences to the human life will swiftly happen. So, let us always be committed and join efforts to preserve our nature."

He further appealed to the residents to always share information with security organs on anything that can cause insecurity as well as people engaged in criminal activities.

Eugene Mbonyinshuti, the Executive secretary for Kamutwa cell,thanked RNP for joining and supporting them in human activities, and urged residents to sensitive and responsive to health and security issues.