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Rwanda National Police

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Gerayo Amahoro road safety campaign in districts

The continuous Gerayo Amahoro road safety campaign was on Tuesday January 9, and Wednesday, January 10, conducted in different districts across the country.

In the Eastern Province, the mass campaign was extended to different categories of road users in Kirehe and Ngoma districts.

The campaign, which seeks to make road safety a choice and culture among all Rwandans, was also extended to students, pedestrians, drivers, taxi-moto operators and cyclists in Musanze and Nyamagabe districts.

Road users were reminded to ensure maximum respect for traffic rules to prevent road carnage.

They were reminded to:


-Always walk on the left side of the road facing oncoming traffic

-Always cross on pedestrian crosswalks, look left and right, wait for vehicles to stop, cross briskly but don’t run

-Avoid crossing the roads while using your phone or wearing earphones     


-Avoid using your phone while driving

-Don’t drink and drive

-Obey speed limits

-Respect pedestrian’s rights 

-Always wear your seatbelt 

-Regularly get your vehicle inspected 

-Don’t let children stand in the car while you are driving

-Don’t leave children in the car alone 


-Always wear a helmet and also give one to your passenger 

-Respect speed limits 

-Avoid bad maneuvers while driving 

-Don’t use your phone while riding you bike 


-Speak up when your driver is engaging in risky behavior 

-Avoid being distracted on your phone while riding on a motorbike 

-Don’t encourage your driver to over speed because of your personal reasons